
Let’s be Men
Are we sometimes in doubt why should we respect women? Perhaps we respect some of them and some of them we do not?

By honoring a woman we honor ourselves because we are born from one of her forms, the mother. In all her forms whether that is of a wife, a daughter, a niece, sister, aunt or a friend, a woman continues to be a mother. If you happen to disrespect one of them, you will cause disrespect to all of them, starting with your mother who by gifting you this life, by nurturing you in her womb for nine months of difficulty and pain has put you in a debt of respecting her forever. The gratitude of what your mother did for you can only reflect in your attitude towards all other women.

But what about some of those women with whom we went through any bad experience?

If you ever got maltreated by a woman, it was not because she was bad but it was because she wanted to grow the good in you, grow your intellect and grow your spirituality.

However if you treat women as if they are inferior, a lowery specie or an object of your desires, suppress their right of equality, their freedom to work and study, discourage them in their aspirations to be successful, give them names if they try to become independent, subject them to mental or physical abuse, take advantage when they are vulnerable or dishonor them in any which way you can, know that you are not worthy of the life your mother gifted. Respect for a woman was the first lesson she delivered when she delivered you.

As for a woman, even if she is a so called prostitute who sells her body, she is worthy of respect, because unlike you who used your body simply to enjoy her and exploit her, she used it to earn her livelihood.

Dare to commit the sin of disrespecting a woman? No, Do not! Rather dare to remove this sin forever from mankind. Male chauvinism, that disoriented sense of superiority becomes oriented when we use our superior strength to lift and place women on a higher pedestal.

“I only respect those men who respect women”, said God to all His Messengers who were sent to Earth to baptize mankind with His love and love for His direct representative, the woman.

I am inspired by the message of my first Guru of the Sikhs ‘Guru Nanak Dev ji’ who as far back in the 15th century took a strong stand to preserve woman’s dignity. He wrote ‘so kyon manda aakhyie, jit jamey raajan’, translated to ‘how can we disrespect, mistreat or dishonor a being who gives birth even to the Emperors?’

Let’s be Men. Men are those who respect women.